Fate has its ways

“Fate works in mysterious ways”, they say. Indeed that’s true. Recent events have made me believe in fate more than ever now. It’s also funny how fate works in each of our lives. How it hits us when we least expect it and we go like, “Oh! that was fate.” It’s very closely related to destiny as well. Destiny controls fate. Fate leads to our destiny.

Fate is unpredictable. It can’t be controlled by anybody. It has its ways of playing around. I could describe fate as an event that you least expect to happen. It could turn out to be a beautiful event or a terrifying one. And that’s what makes me so fascinated with it. It could be darkness as well as light. In my case it was definitely light. So here’s what happened.

Last night I thought I’d go to bed early and get my sleep schedule in order. I usually stay up till 2-3 am. So I decided I should fix it. I went to bed and I couldn’t sleep for 30 minutes. I tried but I couldn’t. So I decided to look through my phone till I feel sleepy. A few minutes in, I get reconnected with a friend. A friend who I thought I’d lost forever. We used to talk almost everyday but then we parted ways due to some reasons. It was hard for both of us. I hate losing people so it was very upsetting. But yesterday we connected again, talked for 2 hours and realized how much we both missed our time together. We came to the decision that we should get back together and give our friendship another chance. Honestly, it’s the happiest I’ve been this past week. I never expected us to get back again. I thought it wasn’t possible at all. But fate had different plans. Of course, it’ll take some time to get back to how things were before but I’m sure that it’ll be better this time.

Now you might call this mere luck or a coincidence but it’s not. A little shift in events would lead to completely different situations. If I had slept last night, there was no chance of us getting back together. If I had made a different choice, it would’ve lead to completely different scenarios. It’s fate that I got my friend back and it’s fate that will lead us to our destiny.

It’s fascinating how fate works in such beautiful ways. It’s great to go all philosophical at times. For example, it’s fate if you bump into someone who later turns to be your future spouse. It’s fate if you missed a flight that later gets crashed. Sometimes fate could be amazing and sometimes it could be the worst.

I don’t know if you believe in fate or not but I certainly do now. What’s better than ending a thought so philosophical with a quote?

“Destiny is what you are supposed to do in life. Fate is what kicks you in the ass to make you do it.”

In case you were wondering, the featured image in this blog are The Fates or Moirai. They are a group of three weaving goddesses in Greek mythology. Their names are Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos.

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